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MeSince open authentication service that supporting global cooperative CA issued certificates

Shenzhen, China – May 28, 2019. Today, MeSince announces that MeSince identity authentication service is freely open to all cooperative CAs around the world. MeSince user only needs to insert the USB Key certificate issued by the cooperative CA to apply MeSince identity authentication service and can pass the identity validation for free and enjoy MeSince validated users’ a variety of value-added services as the charged users.

As the world's first free encrypted email client software, since its official release on December 14th, 2018, it has used by tens of thousands of users from 123 countries around the world. Users have applied for identity authentication service and enjoyed various value-added services that can get V3 Identity Certificate for all employees for free that can display the employee identity information when sending the email, enhance online trust and prevent email fraud. Now, they can enjoy the free e-contract signing service that speed up business processes and save on logistics costs. Organization and its employees can also sign various PDF files to prevent PDF documents from being Illegal tampering and illegal impersonation.

After MeSince authentication is opened to the global cooperation CA, the users of these CAs do not need to spend any more money to apply for Individual Validation (US$4.99) and Organization Validation (US$89.99), and for the cooperative CAs, it is a great benefits for its USB Key certificate users that all users can enjoy MeSince’s value-added services for free. For EU, this USB Key certificate is called “Qualified Certificate” that usually used for identity authentication only in eGovernment services.

After the launch of the internal activities, this open activity has received positive response from many CAs in China. At present, 11 companies with the MIIT and SCA issued CA license have joined the free authentication program, namely: WoTrus CA, DFCA, eCardCA, CTICA, Xinjiang CA, Jiangxi CA, Fujian CA, CQCCA, GFACA, Zhejiang CA, Anhui CA, Guizhou CA (in no particular order, the list is increasing) . The foreign CA has: Certum (Poland).

We welcome all 48 companies with the MIIT and SCA issued CA license to join this free authentication program to provide more free value-added services to the 400 million USB Key certificate users in China, so that the USB Key certificate users can use its USB Key to play a more important role to protect user’s privacy and identity fraud.

Of course, we also welcome worldwide CAs to actively join our free authentication program. Our company will be on the 19th "European Forum on Electronic Signature and Trust Services" held on May 29-30 to introduce this service to all European CA and the Belt and Road countries CA. We believe that more foreign CAs will join this project, which will promote the implementation of the upcoming "The Belt and Road eSigning Service".
